Measures from:
Guntzviller, L. M., & MacGeorge, E. L. (2013). Modeling interactional influence in advice exchanges: Advice giver goals and recipient evaluations. Communication Monographs, 80, 83-100. doi: 10.1080/03637751.2012.739707
Responses ranged from 1 = very little effort to 5 = very strong effort. All items were primed with the question: “How much effort did I give to achieve this goal?”
Efficacy/Feasibility Goal
Advise an action that…
Could help improve my friend’s situation
Could help to fix my friend’s problem
Could solve my friend’s difficulties
My friend was capable of accomplishing
Was possible for my friend to do
My friend could do
Absence of Limitations Goal
Advise an action that…
Would not have serious drawbacks
Would not have undesirable effects
Would not have significant disadvantages
Note: All three items reverse worded.
Politeness Goal
Make my friend feel good about him/herself
Make my friend feel liked
Make my friend feel understood
Make my friend feel approved of
Make my friend feel capable
Make my friend feel identified with
Make my friend feel competent
Make my friend feel able
Show respect for my friend’s right to make his or her own
Show consideration for my friend’s independence
Agree with my friend’s understanding of how to solve the
Support my friend’s plan for dealing with the problem
Confirm my friend’s decision about how to handle the
Change Goal
Change my friend’s idea for solving the problem
Adjust my friend’s plan for dealing with the problem
Alter my friend’s understanding of how to solve the problem
Modify my friend’s decision about how to handle the
Novelty Goal
Advise an action that…
My friend had not previously considered
My friend had not thought of
My friend had not taken into account